National Cold Logistics 2023 Installation (utilizing, in pallet position):
Seafood processing plant & cold storage : 600,900
Red meat : 229,025
Poultry chicken : 532,350
Dairy food : 304,450
Horticulture : 343,100
Rental cold logistics : 972,025
Pharmacy : 164,860 (cubic meter)
Total installation (fresh products – food): 2,981,050
Growth : 119,050 (4.16%) for fresh products – food, or (-) 5.57% Year on Year, 2023
Pharmacy growth : 11,090 cubic meter (7.21%) from last total installation
Note: utilizing amount is equivalent with 76% national installation
(size in general: 1 pallet capacity eq 750 kgs, 1 ton products eq 2.5 upto 5.0 cbm of room)
New insulated panel (cleaning room & cold storage) 2023 : 1,388,250 sq.m, Growth : (+) 74,750 sq.m or (+) 5,69%, Year on Year (2023)
New rental refrigerated vehicle (2024) : 1,975 unit, new refrigerated vehicle from food processors (2024) : 165 unit, Growth : (-) 105 unit or (-) 4.68% Year on Year (2023)
Total quantity (national) : rental & food processors (2024): 16,426 unit, Growth : 2,140 unit (14.98%)
The gross transaction value of food orders via digital platforms in Indonesia in 2022 will reach USD 4.5 billion or the equivalent of IDR 70 trillion. The Momentum Works research institute released this data in 2023. This transaction contributed 27.6 percent of total digital food orders in Southeast Asian countries. Workers working in online transportation are estimated to reach around 4.6 million people.
ARPI noted that in 2023 the gross value of food orders via digital platforms dominated by 3 large fast food delivery players who pay less attention to the cold chain will decrease by around 7 percent, and this delivery market opportunity is being exploited by new service providers (start-ups) that provide services. cold delivery. The gross value of cold delivery by order business to business reach around IDR 15.7 trillion, and via digital online, business to customer, reach IDR 1.03 trillion.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the demand for frozen food has increased significantly by 19% compared to the previous year 2019. But unfortunately with restrictions on labor activities, new cold room installations have decreased by around 45% YoY. Equipment and refrigeration machine prices crept up 5-10%. Online orders and transactions increased by 20%. The hardest hit by this pandemic situation were new installations of refrigerated vehicles, which fell sharply by 60% YoY. The demand for frozen food delivery services that require temperature monitoring equipment and vehicle movement (GPS) increased sharply by 60%. Likewise, the demand for home refrigerators reaches 40%.
The resilience of the cold chain system has increased in this pandemic situation due to the need for vaccine distribution and storage. The vaccine cold chain platform will soon be formed and facilitated even though there are still obstacles for eastern Indonesia. Reefer transport drop are required in most of these areas which are used for storage. A refrigerated box equipped with refrigerant is used for downstream shipping. Procurement of small storage for vaccines continues to be made. New storage installations increased by 35%.
At the beginning of the pandemic where large-scale social activities were restricted, cold chain industry stakeholders from upstream to downstream used online systems to market food products and attract new consumers. The demand for frozen food, especially fish, poultry (chicken), and beef (animal protein category) increased by 19%, but in the vegetable protein category it decreased by 15% due to unsupported cold chain facilities.
a. In fishery products, the use of the cold chain system increased slightly by 2.5% from the previous year, to 3,485 million tons (including 1.26 million tons exported). The total value of the rupiah is IDR 128 trillion (equivalent US$ 9.14 billion). b. For chicken products, out of 2.3 million tons of production, only 1.05 million tons are covered by the cold chain, with a rupiah value of IDR 25.2 trillion (equivalent to US$ 1.8 billion). c. For beef and buffalo meat products (imported for price penetration and availability of local production), covered by the cold chain of 550 thousand tons, with a rupiah value of IDR 46.75 trillion (equivalent to US$ 3.3 billion).
Food losses in fishery products are still quite high, on average 35% so that the price of products that do not use the cold chain (product value loss) reaches 50%. for food losses in chicken meat products an average of 30% (with a note that hot chicken meat (meat temperature between 10-20 degrees Celsius) can be sold in a maximum of 8 hours, product prices (product value losses) reach 25%. For food losses in beef products (red meat) an average of 15% and the selling price of beef that does not use the cold chain, the value loss reaches 20%. Freezing temperatures range minus 10-25 degrees Celcius, chilled temperatures range plus 2-8 degrees Celcius.